PrivUQAM ranked first at the INSAnonym anonymization competition

The INSAnonym anonymization competition ( was held as part of the APVP (Atelier pour la Protection de la Vie Privée) in France. The competition provided the registered teams with a dataset composed of mobility traces with the objective of developing anonymization methods tailored to this data and then design re-identification attacks to attack the anonymized datasets submitted by other teams. Another constraint was that anonymized data needs also to retain a good level of utility as measured by six different metrics. Overall, the anonymization phase was lasting two weeks while the attack phase was only held during two days.

The team PrivUQAM reached the first place at this competition both in terms of anonymization methods and re-identification attacks :

The PrivUQAM team was composed of:

  • Margaux Tela (exchange student and research intern)
  • Ikram Sereir (exchange student and research intern)
  • Merouane Bouderbala (M.Sc student, current)
  • Sébastien Gambs (professor)